The Drone Flyer Chronicles: Part 2 (fiction)

Drone Flyer: Part 2

Ripping Through the Canyon

The speed is ripping my face, I’m traveling so fast that the shallow creek I’m following has parted, causing high waves to crash into boulders that I’m hoping to avoid. I am constantly scraping the ground to maneuver underneath fallen trees, bridges, and around boulders.

This used to be a great State park to come hiking, and enjoy a picnic, but not anymore. It is the middle of the night and I am using thermal vision, flying much faster than the old manual recommended.

The SK42 Drone skateboard maneuvers with ease through Devil’s Canyon, the walls passing so fast, you know it’s imminent death if you fall. Up ahead, I have to shoot through this tight tunnel with no room for error, getting out the other side is a different story. Somebody is hot on my tail, it looks to be two of them.

Like I said, it is going to take all of my skills to survive this mission. I have to fly low because I don’t know what kind of radar capabilities they have left. One has already moved to my right, the other on my left. If there’s more. I am done.

The enemy would enjoy torturing me, getting my battery technology would be a bonus. For all their bluster, they still rely on ICE, gas engines, so much for their “green” push. They are running out of fuel, and want my battery.

My Army

Luckily, my grandpa, the one I told you about, taught me how to manufacture things. I can repair virtually anything. A pretty useful skill to have, when you command one of the biggest armies in the world.

This technology is too powerful; it cannot get into the wrong hands. If taken prisoner, no one knows the technology besides me. Therefore, my team is kept in the dark, for their safety.

Rules, What Rules?

We have protocol. It is simple. 1. Vary meeting spots 2. Always use a new path. 3. Keep all meetings brief. 4. Always send in the drones first.

The routine is always the same, first I send in the drones, if the path is clear; I follow. This is the safest way to operate, but rules are made to be broken. The window to stop the machines from taking over is closing, they are building something, and we must act fast.

If all goes as planned; I’ll be in Cave City, Kentucky by nightfall.

Mammoth Cave

We chose this area because The Mammoth Cave is the longest cave system in the world, we have practiced missions here thousands of times, to be ready for this exact situation. We want to be ready, I can’t always get head shots on my enemies. Luckily, I did this time, the Skeptaur to my left slouched his bloody blue skull into his steering wheel, before veering into a tree, and exploding into a fireball. His friend will join him soon.

I’m full throttle, it probably won’t feel too good for his buddy when his head pop off in three…two…one. I set up that trip wire a long time ago. Like I said, this isn’t our first rodeo.

We’re preppers. We store a lot of rations in miles of tunnels. We know the area better than anyone else, and have many escape routes, if needed.

It’s not easy to navigate the cave system. We have undergone a number of attacks, that have really forced us into this area. Now, we use it to our advantage.

Anyone There?

I reach the entrance to the tunnel, I’m at the meeting spot at six o’clock on the dot. Three bird calls, to let the team know I’ve arrived. If all is well, I should hear three chirps back. It is easy to distinguish these from actual bird calls, all of the real birds are dead. What can I say, life is tough.

I signaled three chirps on my radio, according to plan. Steve, who does not like authority, lets out a “Hooyah” instead.

Bloody hell, we probably won’t get out of this alive, but at least someone’s got my back. To survive, we are gonna need all the help and firepower we can get.

For more, read the Drone Flyer Chronicles Part 3

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