February 2023: Drone Stocks Report

Price Appreciation 

Certainly, this last month has been a testament to the fact that many opportunities exist when investing in drone stocks. Draganfly has been the runaway champ as of late, making an impressive run from under .60 in mid November to over $2.20 currently on February 1st. Drone stocks are beginning to show signs of the promise that lies ahead. Maybe this is the time to consider looking into one of these companies. For further information, please follow some of our other drone stock related posts as we have been discussing these stocks and their potential in previous months.

ALPP: Alpine 4 Holdings, will be the first stock discussed in alphabetical order. Not too much to report, as the extended “black out” period continues with everyone waiting for the results of the financials that are being compiled by the new auditor. One important thing of note is that the Vayu Aerospace, Mitigator, was successfully introduced at the ShotShow in Las Vegas January 17-20th. Many first responders and private buyers were in attendance, looking to make deals.

An interesting development to notice, and this applies to RCAT, Red Cat Holdings as well, is that both of these two drone manufacturers have plans to separate their American Made drone businesses away from their other core businesses. The reason for this is to secure military contracts. As has been exemplified in Florida, laws are causing many police departments to have to ground their DJI drones and seek made in the USA drones to conduct their operations. The potential for massive contracts from emergency responders and military units cannot be overlooked.

Hopefully, the acceleration of units away from their previous units will increase and departments will be outfitted with highly capable American drones and the support that is needed to ensure a smooth transition. Training and guidance will help ensure that departments are getting fleets that are able to do everything their current drones do and more.

AVAV: Aerovironment is literally out of this world. The team has spent years trying to perfect the Ingenuity drone to be useful on its mission to Mars. The helicopter style drone has an arm that is capable of grabbing samples. If you are interested in learning more about the Ingenuity drone and the years of refinement that it took to make such a thing possible, you might want to read this article. The pictures that are being sent back are interesting, as the drone helps assist the ground rover. The drone is already on its 41st flight on Mars.

Aerovironment is obviously a leader in the drone business and we have previously discussed the Switchblade series of drones, which are finding much success over in Ukraine.

DPRO: Draganfly has already been experiencing a nice run and the positive news continues to pile up. Lufthansa has selected DPO as a partner to help in the event of any need for search and rescue. Drones are saving lives all over the world because the technology is so advanced and useful for these remote situations. Time is of the essence when disaster occurs and Draganfly is doing a great job in securing partnerships in this regard. The software components and ability to tailor drones to your specific need are pushing the technology into many different areas. Everyday more and more uses should continue to press other sectors to consider drones in aiding their business goals.

DPRO has also partnered with RSI, Remote Sensing Instruments, to begin manufacturing drones for the Indian market, one of the largest in the world. Drones have proven extremely useful for monitoring plant production. UAVs have the capability of transversing tough terrain. Checking for pests, applying fertilizers and pestisides, looking for signs of any reduction in growth, and maximizing production are just some of the key advantages in working with drones. As discussed previously, many farmers have seen cost savings and increased revenues that have not only recouped the costs spent, but put much more earnings into the farmers in a quick time period. Their competitors have taken notice and have also decided to add drones to their cultivation plans.

RCATRed Cat Holdings has successfully divested their consumer drone division to focus on the Made in America, Teal drone lineup. The border patrol has been finding the Teal drones useful due to their superior ability in night-time operations. The sale leaves Red Cat with a significant amount of cash for the sale, $5M, and a total of $18M for the divestment.

As has previously been discussed, Teal drones, through their partnership with Tomahawk is able to have a single operator control up to 4 drones. When you go to their website that focuses on Teals, Golden Eagle drone, you see the mission stated clearly, “Dominate the Night.” Teal drones aims to be the go to solution for sensitive missions that need to use software and stay ahead of the people trying to undermine our security and defense forces.

UAVS: AgEagle has the advantage of being the only drone approved for OOPS (Operations over people). This distinction is available due to the safety protocols and non rotating parts that make operation extremely safe. Right now AgEagle is offering an incentive of up to $7,000 trade-in value to switch from another drone to the eBee lineup of drones.

It is interesting to chart the different paths that UAV companies are taking. Each is trying to capture market share and adjusting strategies to fine tune their package to appeal to as many clients as possible. It is difficult to know which companies will end up being the winners of the race. It seems as if the people running the drone business are very smart and capable of finding their own niche. This ability to connect with a subset of the market that is finding their products to be advantageous is leading the whole sector into further growth. More businesses are starting to realize everyday the advantages offered by incorporating drones into their mission. The initial start up costs of getting the hardware are often offset by the cost savings realized. Drones are able to perform a lot of work faster than people ever could. Drones are also advancing at such a fast rate that it seems we will be able to be writing these monthly updates for the foreseeable future. Stay tuned.



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